Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Ordinary Day

Work was rather uneventful today. We only got one patient via Fire Rescue, a 2 year old febrile seizure patient. I'm sure she'll be fine. Febrile seizures are very dangerous at the moment the child is having them, but they're not a chronic condition as they are with epilepsy. They only happen if the child spikes fever (meaning the temperature goes up more rapidly than when people usually get fever).

I had to go get my blood drawn at the Employee Health Office again. That's the price I have to pay for having gotten stuck with a dirty needle in January. There's nothing wrong with the kid, but unfortunately I have to get my blood drawn every three months for the next year anyway, as per hospital policy. Good thing I don't suffer from needle phobia. The guy who drew my blood is awesome at it. My veins usually bruise, no matter how easy the actual blood draw is, but I just glanced over at my arm and it's spotless. Good job, health office blood drawing man.

I was having a conversation with a fellow coworker about how we need an additional source of income for the summer. We're both part time EMTs in our department, and usually I could just count on picking up at least one extra shift per week. Unfortunately (for me...fortunate for the department), we're so well staffed that I can't even pick up any shifts, unless there's a callout (in which case they'll call me in when I'm likely to already have plans for my day).

Frankly, the situation has me depressed. Although money is the main reason I need another job, I'm scared I'll have way too much free time on my hands. Right now, the balance between work, school, and free time couldn't be better. It's almost perfect. Once you take school away from the equation, that just leaves 2 days of work. Five days free. So, I need another job. I'm trying to become financially responsible for once in my life. I've made alot of mistakes, and I'm paying a heavy price. Frivolous, unncessary credit card bills haunt me every month; and what's worse, I have my mother breathing down my neck for the money she let me borrow. Today it got ugly with her. I won't get into it though because it's probably not good for my health. I was accused of being ungrateful and unappreciative (which couldn't be further from the truth... but she misunderstands me), and I'm beginning to regret having asked her for help. I'd much rather owe money to a stranger than to my own mother. Another lesson learned.

So far my options for an additional summer job include:
-Starbucks (not only will I make money, I will SAVE all the money I usually use to buy coffee there)
-Substitute teaching (though I think all the WORST kids go to summer school... but it would be a good learning experience and help me to decide whether teaching is something I'd like to go into)

Additional ideas welcome.


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