Thursday, October 20, 2005

High Stakes

It's been over a month since I've updated this thing... Since the, I've had surgery and been going a litte nuts with school....

Working with sick people is never easy. I've always known that life was precious, and I've always tried to approach everyone I've treated/come in contact with with compassion.

But lately I realize how precious life truly is. It all came as a result of falling in love. It sounds strange to say, but it's unbelievably true. It breaks my heart even more these days to see people suffering and clinging to life when there's so much beauty in my own life. You never fully grasp the gravity of a situation until you know first hand how much is at stake.

Death is never easy, even if you're alone and have nothing to live for. (and I find myself laughing at having said that because it sounds as though I'd been through it a million times, like I know all about it; ha.) But when you're surrounded by sheer beauty and love and support all around you, it's even harder to let go of this thing we call life.

Just recently we lost a child who was frequently in the ER to cancer. He put up such a fight. up until the very end, you thought he might just make it; his will was so strong.

Luckily, since that boy we haven't had anyone else go. A baby who was teetering on the edge of life just a month or so ago came back the other day looking more wonderful than any of us could ever have hoped for, and it made me think "here's one more individual who will hopefully experience all the wonderful things life has to offer". Even in the midst of all the madness this world has been going through lately, the wonder still exists.

And although I do feel incredibly exhausted from the job I've held the last 4 1/2 years, most of me is pretty convinced that I want to continue helping people so that they, too, can discover all the things I have encountered lately.

I feel privileged.